Ready to Take Your Next Step in Faith?
In the Bible, we read about Jesus being baptized by His cousin, John (Matthew 3:13-17). After the resurrection, Jesus commanded His disciples, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…” (Matthew 28:19). Eventually, the early church took shape in the book of Acts. Individuals and families were baptized and people began to serve grow and serve in their congregations.
Scroll down to find answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. If you have other questions, feel free to reach out to us.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does it mean to be baptized?
Baptism is one of two sacraments observed in The United Methodist Church, along with Holy Communion.
Do you practice infant or adult baptism?
In Acts 16, we read about the baptisms of entire households, which likely included infants and children. Many Christians interpret this to mean baptism is not limited to individuals of a particular age.
Baptism is about beginning a new life in Christ as a part of the family of believers. Whenever parents are ready to make the commitment to raise their child as a disciple of Christ in the local church, or when someone who was not baptized as an infant is ready to make the decision to commence their discipleship journey, baptism is a natural next step.
Click here to learn more.
Why do I have to be baptized before becoming a member?
Baptism marks the beginning of our discipleship journey with Jesus. Membership in the local church is an additional commitment to following God and building up the body of believers through that specific congregation.
I want to be baptized! What do I do now?
Congratulations! We’re so excited that you want to take this next step in your discipleship journey. Please contact our office, and we’ll help you begin the process.
What’s the process for becoming a member at First Church?
We run Next Step classes a few times each year. These classes help you get a better understanding of who we are and what we believe as Christians at First Church, what it means to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus, and what the best next step is to help you grow in your faith as a part of our congregation.
We also offer confirmation classes specifically for high school students. These classes help young people take a deep dive into what they believe and why they believe it, along with how those beliefs influence their lives inside and outside of church. Confirmation classes end with a class trip and induction into the membership of First Church. Contact Pastor Lisa for more details.
Keep an eye out for details about our upcoming classes, and contact Tina Eaton with questions.
What does it mean to become a member at First Church?
Becoming a member requires an individual to profess membership vows that affirm their dedication to Christ and participation in the local church and the global body of believers. Members are baptized Christians who have publicly professed their faith in Christ. In addition to their commitment to Christ, members make a commitment to actively participate in the life of our local congregation and the global body of believers.
Membership vows involve promises to participate in the ministries of First Church through prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. Those interested in membership at First Church take a six-week class to dive into what faithful participation in the life of the church means for the congregation and for them.
Ultimately, God created us to grow and serve together — not by ourselves. Becoming a member is about making a commitment to following Christ, loving your neighbor, and building up the family of God in community at First Church.
Can I transfer my membership from another church?
Of course! Contact our office to get started.
Who can I reach out to with questions about baptism or membership?
You can contact our Director of Discipleship, Tina Eaton, or Pastor Denny for more information.
Reach Out!
Want to get involved or learn more about taking your next step at First Church? Feel free to contact Pastor Mira Hewlett.