What is Safe Sanctuaries?
We screen volunteers and staff to ensure they are good fits to supervise children and youth. We want our leaders to represent Christ well to those they care for. On top of background checks, we take time to get to know people before they start serving with us (especially with minors, the elderly or disabled individuals).
We do everything in our power to prevent abuse, assault, misconduct, and other harm. We train our staff and volunteers to keep individuals they supervise safe and to watch for warning signs of abuse or other threats to one’s wellbeing. Practicing our clearly defined policies and procedures guards our children and youth from bad situations. Plus, these procedures protect our staff and volunteers from suspicion or false accusations of wrongful behavior.
We have procedures to respond to incidents promptly and effectively. Our volunteers and staff are trained to spot signs of abuse or other inappropriate behavior and to report it immediately. We want to protect those at risk of harm, document any legal violations with the necessary authorities, and minister to the needs of victims and our church family.
Safety and Security

Staff and Volunteer Requirements
All of our staff and volunteers who work with children and youth maintain up-to-date clearances on file in our office, as required by Pennsylvania state law. These individuals also complete MinistrySafe training every five years. This training specifically designed to prevent child sexual abuse within the church. Additionally, every member of our program and administrative staff complete boundaries training through the Susquehanna Conference every four years. This training explores relational dynamics in a church setting, what sexual misconduct is and how to prevent it, and setting appropriate boundaries for in-person and online relationships.
Please contact Katie Knorr, Director of Children’s and Family Ministries and First Church Safe Sanctuaries Coordinator, to learn more.
Volunteer Responsibilities
If you volunteer in any capacity within our children’s or youth ministries, you must comply with our Safe Sanctuaries policies and Pennsylvania state laws. This includes a requirement to update your clearances every five years and keep them on file with the church office. This is applicable for regular volunteers (e.g. assisting with Kid Worship each month or youth activities every week) and one-time helpers (e.g. helping at VBS or a youth retreat).
Most clearances are free to volunteers, but First Church will reimburse volunteers who must pay for an FBI Criminal History Background Check, which requires fingerprinting. Find more details below on each of the required clearances and how to obtain them.
Additionally, all individuals who are responsible for children in a scheduled program, activity or service are mandated reporters. As a mandated reporter, you are legally required to report any suspected child abuse. If you have reasonable cause to suspect that a child is a victim of abuse, you must report immediately to ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313 or online through the Child Welfare Portal. You may advise the staff or volunteer leader of the incident, and they can help you facilitate making the report.
If you want to know if the church office has a copy of your clearances, don’t know when your clearances will expire, or have questions about renewing your clearances or mandatory reporting, please contact Katie Knorr, our Director of Children and Family Ministries and Safe Sanctuaries Coordinator.
Stay Up-to-Date
Get Your Clearances
Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance
Complete your application for this certification online for free.
Pennsylvania State Police Criminal History Record Check
Complete your application for this certification online for free, and generally get immediate results.
FBI Criminal History Background Check
Volunteers who have not lived in the state of Pennsylvania at any point in the past 10 years must visit an IdentoGO Center to be fingerprinted. First Church will reimburse volunteers for the fingerprinting fee.
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